Hattori Heiji

Posted by Mohd Firdaus Monday, July 23, 2007

Name: Hattori Heiji
First Appearence: File.092
Age & Date of Birthday: 17 & birthday unknown
Height & Weight: ??cm & ??kg
Nationality & Birth Place: Japan & Osaka
Blood Type: unknown
Special on his body: Dark skin (like his grandfather), Scars on
the back of his right ear and right hand
Address: Osaka
Family members: Father=Hattori Heizo (Police / around 50?),
Mother= (Ikemi) Shizuka (42)
Education & Occupation: Kaihou High School, 2 nd year
Hobby: kendo
Language: Japanese, English
Speciality: Inference (Solve Case)
Extra-curricular activity: kendo club
Favourite Food: Tacoyaki
Interest: motorcycle, kendo, solve case
Idol: Ellery Queen, parents
Items: baseball cap, "Victory" sports bag, Omamori made by Kazuha
LoveInterest: First Love met in Kyoto 8 years before = Toyama Kazuha
Weak Points: Toyama Kazuha, Kudo Shinichi,
Level of importance for Heiji: Inferences >Conan > Kazuha > kendo